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App of the Year so Far: Snoww


Snoww was released back in 2016 and is by far the best skiing app that we've seen to date! A revolutionary way to track your speed, distance, timing, and just about everything you could wish for. There have been a number of tracking apps for the slopes that we've seen, tested and used across the years, but this brings a new sense of colour, vibrancy and provides an enjoyable UX.

Our favourite feature about this app has to be the social aspect, which allows you to compare your score against your friends and pros! Unlock trophies and new records to see how your skiing has improved.

Other apps we love

Apart from the amazing need-to-have apps that we love and recommend to everyone (Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.), we thought we'd outline a few really amazing apps that will make your life so much easier!

Smartphone banking apps have progressed so much in the last couple of years, even allowing you to unlock with TouchID! If you are a business or avid social media person, definitely check out the Buffer app, which allows you to preschedule your posts, and they have recently integrated Instagram which makes a big difference.

OpenTable is another app that has great potential, allowing you to book tables for an array of restaurants off of your phone! No more listing websites, no more calling up, and most importantly, no more hassle.

If you have any tech that you want us to do a review on from us an email and we will dedicate one of our weekly blog posts to your enquiry!

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